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Juve Multimedia we lead the production of promotional videos for events in Galicia.

Promote your event, product or business with our video pieces adapted for viewing on social networks.

We make pieces with music, voice over, video, photographs, graphics of an optimal duration and rhythm to guarantee the attention of the viewer and their conversion to sale.

Horizontal, vertical, square, instagram stories, facebook, twitter, led screens, totems, video markers, our videos always look perfectly adapted for offline and online distribution or through advertising campaigns.

Videos promocionales

Videos promocionales

Elite Football video promo

Cordis Spain - Kickoff video 2022

Decabike 2021 Coruña video promocional

Rememberland en Pelícano

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C / Presidente Salvador Allende 6Bis Puerta7 15011 A Coruña

+34 627 427 358


Juve Media | Copyright © 2021. All Rights Reserved.

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